The true story of an abusive childhood that led to the onset and manisfestaion of trichotillomania.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

The Truth About Trichotillomania

My hair pulling sessions range from about 50 minutes, which are concentrated and intense, to sessions which last for several continuous hours. Sometimes it lasts all day, which involves several intense sessions continually throughout the day.
My areas 0f trichotillomania and self harm also vary.When pulling the hair on my head I could be sitting on the couch in the lounge or sitting in my bedroom. I never pull in clumps, I always pull individually hair by hair. I immediately check each individual hair I have pulled. What I’m looking for is a hair was a good root. Sometimes I know I’ve been successful in this as I can feel the distinguishing popping sound that a hair with a good root makes as it is being pulled. Once I have successfully got one of these good hairs I will hold it in the tip of my fingers at the opposite end to the root. I watch as the weight of the root makes the hair bends downwards. Then I lay the hair down, with the root still attached on any surface that is near to me, this could be my leg, a mirror or the edge of the table. The roots sticks to whichever surface I use, and I leave it there until I’m ready to destroy it.


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